Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wedding: Bride's DIY Projects 2

Now if you paid attention to your THE/HELE classes in gradeschool and highschool, and if your handwriting is as artsy-fartsy-dainty like mine, this will be easy.

The Wedding Coins

  1. Asked mom for their old wedding coins (coins dated 1942)
  2. Went to the palengke to have it cleaned

Here Comes The Bride Signage

  1. Buy illustration board
  2. Get scissors and cut up a heart from the illustration board
  3. Using the black side of the board, chalk in the words 'here comes the bride' in the daintiest way possible.

Secondary Veil

  1. Buy tulle from your fabric shop
  2. Buy lace from your fabric shop
  3. Cut up the tulle into an oval
  4. Sew around the jagged edges of the tulle the border lace

Just Married signage for the Combi

  1. Buy illustration board
  2. Buy multi-colored chalk
  3. Write 'Just Married' in your cutsiest handwriting. Date and place optional
  4. Add in sunshine, butterflies, bees, trees, fluffy clouds, hearts and everything that reminds you of your happy place

Primary Veil
  1. Buy the finest tulle in the fabric store (in this case: I bought the shiny one that's closest to my gown colour)
  2. Buy shiny white beads
  3. Cut the fabric into an oval
  4. Sew in the shiny white beads at the edge of the fabric (about 2 inches off the edge)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Wedding: Bride's DIY Projects

Here are some of my DIY projects. I'll give you no brainer instructions, to make it fancy, use your imagination.

The Match for the Candle Sponsors

  1. Buy a standarad match
  2. Get a wrappring paper in your wedding colour
  3. Get some scissors and glue and wrap the wrapping paper into the match
  4. If you have a monogram, stick it in

The Ring and Coins Pillow

  1. I got a small square pillow lying around
  2. Using the leftover fabrics from the entourage dresses, cut up pieces the size of the pillow
  3. Style as you please (in this case, I used blue fabric with a pink "runner" in the middle and yellow ribbons, to make sure all wedding colours are represented
  4. Sew them up together
  5. Use ribbons to fasten your rings and coins

The Wedding Cord

  1. Get a nylon string in your craft store
  2. Buy beads in your wedding colours
  3. Start beading, think of creative patterns (in this case: It's blue-pink small beads alternated 50 times, then a big pink bead to close off the 50, then a bigger yellow bead/button, then the pink big bead again, and so on...)
  4. Make it into a big number 8, each hole must be big enough to fit a grown person's shoulder

The Flower Girls Baskets

  1. Buy a generic basket in DV
  2. Get your nylon string and beads again and start beading (blue-yellow-pink for this)
  3. Once you have enough strings of beads to use, twirl the string of beads around the basket handle and secure them using a gluegun
  4. Put more beads where you want the beads to go around (in this case: around the base of the basket)
  5. Buy pink paper (I don't know what they're called) and stick it into the basket, secure using a gluegun
  6. Pour rose petals into the baskets.

Petals and confetti cones

  1. Buy wrapping paper in your wedding colours
  2. Cut them into about 8x8 squares
  3. Style them into cones
  4. Secure the cones with adhesive tape or stickers (in this case: used the leftover name tags)

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Wedding Planning: The Engagement Shoot Select Pics

The concept was Mr & Mrs Smith. If you don't get it, you need to see the movie.

Some of the outtakes

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Wedding Planning: The Invitation

Our invitations cost us 31 pesos a piece. This type of invitation is being sold at mall-located-invitation-kioks at 60-85 a piece, and at Recto for 40-50 a piece. But I am an OC Bride who thinks no one can pull off the invitation that I have envisioned in mind, I DIY'd it. :)

We bought the bottles in Divisoria, 7 pesos each
The stickers we asked Robee Stickers to do, 3 pesos each
The invitation printing - we had made in Jherland (JohnKyle bookstore) in Recto, 20 pesos with the pink ribbons.
The yellow ribbons, 2 pesos per yard, but each bottle only used around 4-6 inches, I just rounded it off at 1 pesos per bottle.
The fonts, I got from a digital scrapbooking website: Kevin and Amanda's Fonts For Peas. You can download the fonts for FREE.