Saturday, January 29, 2011

Whatever Happened to SERVE THE PEOPLE?!

I was late because I had to walk the length of Gen. Luna in Tuktukan yesterday night on my way to work.

Now I am posting this not because I am a Tinga loyalist, nor that voted for Lani Cayetano with her promise of change towards a better Taguig. I am posting this because I am a TAXPAYER and I don't want any Lani Cayetano or Dante Tinga waste the Two-Grand I INVOLUNTARILY surrender monthly to the BIR for government consumption (if I had a choice, I won't pay for taxes, I can think of better ways to spend Two-Thousand-Pesos - which is on food, clothes and shoes).

The people, especially those of us who are EMPLOYED are paying taxes so we can have more convenient transportation, better roads, social services and healthcare, and this is what you DOUCHEBAG politicians give us? STRESS?! On top of the financial stress blatantly imposed to us by the uncannily high taxes despite the poor government services on health, education, infrastructures; the skyrocketing prices and the EHERM - long overdue ACROSS THE BOARD WAGE HIKE.

This is so fuckin' lame. LANI CAYETANO, DANTE TINGA, ALLAN CAYETANO, FREDDIE TINGA, PIA CAYETANO, ET AL. Hello?! I don't fuckin' care if this is about vote-buying, vote-tampering or what have you (which of course started from you as well). I don't care about your political agenda and ulterior motives for personal (financial, prestige, political) gains. All I want is that you dimwits SERVE THE PEOPLE like you should, as you have said so yourselves that you are a bunch of PUBLIC SERVANTS. I don't think adding inconvenience to the already horrendous traffic scheme in Tuktukan, and disturbing the peace is not for common good, right? I find it VERY, VERY SELFISH! You are not serving us, instead you are giving all of us a hard time walking round the streets, looking for alternate (but much longer way away) routes and finding public transport! Plus, you're polluting EARTH! After Ondoy, we should've learned our lessons and put sustainable development at the top of our lists!

All I'm asking is TRANSPARENCY, CHECKS & BALANCES and ACCOUNTABILITY. Stop playing the blame game. The TAONGBAYAN thinks it's not helping them at all. If there;s one thing that I learned from Prof. Bobby Tuazon's PolSci classes, those are necessary in any government. TRANSPARENCY, ACCOUNTABILITY and CHECKS & BALANCES from BOTH DISPUTING POLITICAL PARTIES in gratitude to the people who ever-so-lovingly voted for them in precincts despite the really sucky election process.

This better end soon. Don't stress me. I get really bitchy when I am pissed off.

PS: Lani Cayetano, you did not accept my friend request, and your profile is set to private. Why?Are you avoding to be tagged on photos such as these? Photos that depict that reality that you are not really the champion of the masses and the anti-dote to Trapo that you claim to be?

PPS: There are days when I wish that I didn't study Political Science so I won't be so god-damned affected. But heck, I am really glad I did, at least I am ranting and rambling on much better causes on Facebook rather than all the other TRIVIAL stuff people these days seemed to be pre-occupied with.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Secret Worlds

Rhea Mae, Tina and I got close back in fifth grade because of our music tastes and similar interests. Back in fifth grade up to freshman year in highschool, this TV show was all the rage for me and my vintage BFFs: The Secret World of Alex Mack (download and watch here).

Alex Mack was one of our fave TV shows, next to Sabrina the Teenage Witch, My So-Called Life and Clueless. Alex Mack was shown in Studio 23, Sabrina and Clueless in ABC 5 and My So-Called Life in RPN 9. I was Alex, Mae was Sabrina and Tina was Angela (My So-Called  Life). I miss our lives then. I miss them, coz we're all too busy now. Tina's got 2 sons, I am married and Mae is about to be married too. Good times.

Anyway, here's the episode guide, and if you wanna watch, CLICK HERE.

Season 1

1. The Accident [1]

First aired: 10/8/1994

On her way home from school Alex Mack is practically hit by a truck. The truck is carrying a top-secret chemical and spills it on Alex. Alex learns later that she has magical powers and shares this secret with her sister, Annie, and best friend, Raymond.

Writer: Ken Lipman, Thomas W. Lynch
Director: Peter Lauer
Guest star: Alexis Fields (Nicole Wilson), Jason Strickland (Scott), John Nielsen (Dave Watt), John Marzilli (Vince Carter), Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron) , Jessica Alba (Jessica), Dena Burton (Math Teacher)

2. Hoop War [2]

First aired: 10/15/1994

Alex and Raymond are continually harassed by upperclassmen Jessica and Ellen. One afternoon Jessica trips Alex in the school cafeteria as Alex carries a tray full of food. A food fight ensues and Vice Principal Heller assigns Alex, Raymond, Jessica and Ellen to clean up the cafeteria every afternoon. Both sets of friends blame each other for the trouble, and they agree to take up Raymond's challenge of two-on-two on the basketball court. The stakes: the losers have to admit responsibility to Heller and clean up the cafeteria by themselves.

Writer: Ken Lipman
Director: Christopher T. Welch
Guest star: Alexis Fields (Nicole Wilson), Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), John Marzilli (Vince Carter), Natanya Ross (Robyn), Jason Strickland (Scott) , Jessica Alba (Jessica), Alexana Lambros (Ellen), Tim Colceri (Mr. Heller), Marjorie Bowman (Ms. Koch)

3. Shock Value [3]

First aired: 10/22/1994

Alex asks her sister for help with a class science project, but ends up using her power to impress the teacher. This gets her into trouble when the teacher believes that the project was done by Annie, not Alex. Meanwhile, Dave and Vince disguise themselves as janitors in an attempt to find Alex.

Writer: Jack Kenny, Brian Hargrove
Director: Peter Lauer
Guest star: Alexis Fields (Nicole Wilson), Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), John Marzilli (Vince Carter), Natanya Ross (Robyn), John Nielsen (Dave Watt) , Jack Kenny (Mr. Krantz)

4. The Videotape [4]

First aired: 11/5/1994

It's career day at the Chemical Plant and Alex hopes to impress her father. She soon discovers the field trip is an attempt made by The Plant to catch the kid they've been searching for. Caught on tape using her powers, Alex informs Ray and Annie and together they make a plan to sneak back into the building late at night to retrieve the videotape of Alex.

Writer: Magda Liolis
Director: Allison Liddi
Guest star: Alexis Fields (Nicole Wilson), Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), John Marzilli (Vince Carter), John Nielsen (Dave Watt), Natanya Ross (Robyn) , Diana Bellamy (Ms. Thorpe), Frank Como (Guard)

5. School Dance [5]

First aired: 11/12/1994

The big dance is just around the corner and Alex still hasn't been asked by the only person she cares to go with. Everybody knows she dreams of going with Scott, but he's not the one hounding her for a date. Jerry, an obnoxious, insensitive and persistent ninth-grader is relentless in his pursuit of her. He won't take no for an answer, but Alex continues to put him off.

Writer: Ken Lipman
Director: Allison Liddi
Guest star: J.D. Hall (Mr. Alvarado), Jason Strickland (Scott), Natanya Ross (Robyn) , Aron Eisenberg (Jerry), Jessica Alba (Jessica)

6. Science Fair [6]

First aired: 11/19/1994

Annie's science project has been chosen as a finalist for the big science fair to be held at the Paradise Valley Chemical Plant. The whole Mack family is looking forward to spending Saturday at the science fair rooting Annie on, except Alex. Not only is she sick of witnessing Annie's triumphs, but the chemical plant is the worst place for her to be. It's crawling with plant spies who are constantly on the look out for "the kid."

Writer: Ken Lipman, Thomas W. Lynch
Director: Sean McNamara
Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), John Marzilli (Vince Carter) , Jason Marsden (Carlton Hendy), Jack Diamond (Judge)

7. False Alarms [7]

First aired: 12/3/1994

Alex, Raymond, and Nicole are facing their first junior high school midterm in history class. Libby, the most popular girl in school, has her own ideas about surviving the midterm and studying isn't one of them. Libby decides to pull the fire alarm right before the exam.

Writer: Neena Beber
Director: Sean McNamara
Guest star: Susan Lentini (Ms. Hamilton), Marguerite Moreau (Libby), Terrah (Lt. Pruitt), Carrie Browder (Jocelyn)

8. The Feud [8]

First aired: 12/10/1994

Alex and Ray have a falling-out and Alex is afraid Ray will disclose her secret to the plant.

Writer: Ken Lipman, Sean McNamara
Director: Christopher T. Welch
Guest star: John Marzilli (Vince Carter), John Nielsen (Dave Watt), J.D. Hall (Mr. Alvarado) , Aron Eisenberg (Jerry)

9. Alex And Mom [9]

First aired: 1/7/1995

In anger, Alex jeopardizes her mom's job. Later, she tries to make it up to her.

Writer: Christine Ecklund, Keith Hoffman
Director: Paul Hoen
Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), Jason Strickland (Scott), Natanya Ross (Robyn)

10. Cold Day In Paradise Valley [10]

First aired: 1/14/1995

A reporter from the Planet newspaper comes to the Mack's house to do a story; Alex's cold makes her powers go haywire.

Writer: Christine Ecklund, Keith Hoffman
Director: Christopher T. Welch
Guest star: John Marzilli (Vince Carter), John Nielsen (Dave Watt) , Victor Raider-Wexler (Gordon Flack), Natanya Ross (Robyn (uncredited))

11. Annie Bails [11]

First aired: 1/21/1995

Annie considers going away to school. Meanwhile, Alex's powers are going haywire and she must convince Annie not to go.

Writer: Christine Ecklund, Keith Hoffman
Director: Ron Oliver
Guest star: Sherman Hemsley (Professor Lake)

12. The Solo [12]

First aired: 1/28/1995

Alex uses her powers to save Ray after he freezes during the school music recital. Afterwards, he, and his father, think that he is a musical genius. They both don't know that Alex is the one who helped. Ray is upset when she won't help him again.

Writer: Jennifer Wharton
Director: Leslie Hill
Guest star: Natanya Ross (Robyn), J.D. Hall (Mr. Alvarado)

13. Road Trip [13]

First aired: 2/4/1995

Alex and George have trouble connecting. They go on a day trip together and chaos ensues.

Writer: Ken Lipman, Thomas W. Lynch
Director: Thomas W. Lynch

Season 2

1. The Journal [14]

First aired: 10/14/1995

The plant closes in when Alex's journal, detailing her powers, ends up in the wrong hands.

Writer: Ken Lipman, Thomas W. Lynch
Director: Christopher T. Welch
Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), John Marzilli (Vince Carter), John Nielsen (Dave Watt), Hilary Salvatore (Kelly Phillips), Jason Strickland (Scott Greene)

2. Double Bogey [15]

First aired: 10/14/1995

Alex shows George the meaning of "good golf" when they enter the plant's father-daughter golf tournament.

Writer: Matt Dearborn
Director: Paul Tassie
Guest star: LaReine Chabut (Gloria), Josh Keaton (Bryce) , Kristen Bishop (Rona), Stephen Davies (Fred Pratt), Corey Joshua Taylor (Gordon Kramer)

3. New Kid In Town [16]

First aired: 10/21/1995

Alex, Raymond, Nicole and Robyn notice a new neighbor moving in. It turns out to be Louis Driscoll, a cool-looking kid with a wisecracking attitude. The more Raymond likes him, the more Alex doesn't.

Writer: Anna MacGregor
Director: Allison Liddi
Guest star: Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo) , Benjamin Smith (Louis), Benny Grant (Toby Ward), Mink Stole (Mrs. Ward)

4. The Secret [17]

First aired: 10/28/1995

The morning before Halloween, Alex and Ray come across Paradise Valley's haunted house while delivering newspapers. The next day, Louis convinces Alex and Ray to check out the old house. When Alex takes a closer look, she's sucked in by a mysterious light and comes face-to-face with the woman of the house.

Writer: Thomas W. Lynch
Director: Paul Tassie
Guest star: Josh Keaton (Bryce), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll) , Michael Learned (Ghost of Paradise Valley)

5. Suspect [18]

First aired: 11/4/1995

Short on cash, Alex baby-sits Kelly's little sister and is accused of stealing.

Writer: Brian Hargrove, Jack Kenny
Director: Allison Liddi
Guest star: John Marzilli (Vince Carter), John Nielsen (Dave Watt), Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo), Hilary Salvatore (Kelly Phillips), Jason Strickland (Scott Greene), LaReine Chabut (Waitress) , Mary Beth McDonough (Betsy Phillips), Scarlett Pomers (Jackie Phillips)

6. Pressure [19]

First aired: 11/11/1995

Alex steals a test to help Nicole, who is cracking under the pressure of the exam. At the plant, George discovers that GC-161 has the capability to alter human genetic structure.

Writer: Ken Lipman
Director: Paul Hoen
Guest star: Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll), John Marzilli (Vince Carter), Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo), Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron) , Rif Hutton (Mr. Sperry)

7. The Secret World Of Ray Alvarado [20]

First aired: 11/18/1995

After a collision with a pole during a baseball game, Ray gets superpowers and goes public. He even negotiates an endorsement deal with the plant. But then Ray finds himself trapped and submitted to test after test.

Writer: Ken Lipman
Director: Christopher T. Welch
Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), John Marzilli (Vince Carter), Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll), J.D. Hall (Mr. Alvarado)

8. Rat Trap [21]

First aired: 12/2/1995

Alex makes the track team, but will she compete in the big meet once she realizes the plant is spying on her?

Writer: Carolyn Quinn
Director: Linda Shayne
Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), John Marzilli (Vince Carter), John Nielsen (Dave Watt) , DeEdyre Burks (Ms. (Carol) Clark)

9. Busted [22]

First aired: 12/9/1995

Grounded, Alex sneaks out for a game of roller hockey and a night of trouble.

Writer: Bernie Ancheta
Director: Christopher T. Welch
Guest star: Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll) , Sean Barnes (Rent-A-Guard), DeEdyre Burks (Ms. Clark), Jill Renee (Donna)

10. The Gift [23]

First aired: 12/23/1995

Alex and George discover that gifts and decorations aren't as important as the Christmas spirit, while Dave's gift to Vince is a chimp that runs amok in the plant.

Writer: Ken Lipman, Thomas W. Lynch
Director: Paul Tassie
Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), Josh Keaton (Bryce), John Marzilli (Vince Carter), John Nielsen (Dave Watt), Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo) , Michael Bofshever (Bernard), Seth Jaffe (Steve)

11. Ray Goes To Washington [24]

First aired: 12/30/1995

Ray enters the brutal world of politics when he launches his campaign for eighth-grade President.

Writer: Matt Dearborn
Director: Christopher T. Welch
Guest star: Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll) , DeEdyre Burks (Ms. Carol Clark), Jeremy Linson (Eric Brooks), Anna Yesilevsky (Paulina Rubka)

12. Trophy Case [25]

First aired: 1/6/1996

Annie aces her English Advanced Placement exam, allowing her to attend a writing class taught by a renowned author. Inspired by her sister's achievement, Alex sets her mind to engage in extracurricular activities in the hope that one will bring her some recognition. She discovers an unusual talent for cow milking. Meanwhile, Annie experiences her first academic failure.

Writer: Matt Dearborn
Director: Allison Liddi
Guest star: Danny Breen (Dale (m.c.)), Googy Gress (John), William Dennis Hunt (Professor Ivan McKee)

13. On The Rocks [26]

First aired: 1/13/1996

While trying to impress Bryce, Annie goes mountain climbing and is left dangling.

Writer: Mindy Schneider
Director: Jeff Blyth
Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), Josh Keaton (Bryce), John Marzilli (Vince Carter), Hilary Salvatore (Kelly Phillips), Jason Strickland (Scott Greene) , Nick Toth (Park Ranger)

14. Saturn [27]

First aired: 7/20/1996

Alex thinks Scott wants to ask her to the plant dance, but George keeps getting in the way.

Writer: Matt Dearborn
Director: Paul Tassie
Guest star: John Marzilli (Vince Carter), John Nielsen (Dave Watt), Jason Strickland (Scott Greene) , Michael Mantell (Mr. Hendricks), Corey Joshua Taylor (Gordon Kramer)

15. Mack TV [28]

First aired: 7/27/1996

Ray captures Alex's powers on video and wants to enter the tape in the Atron JH Video Award contest--but Danielle and Vince are the judges!

Writer: Dorie D'Amore
Director: Paul Hoen
Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), John Marzilli (Vince Carter), John Nielsen (Dave Watt), Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo), Hilary Salvatore (Kelly Phillips), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll), Jason Strickland (Scott Greene) , Mina Kolb (Abigail Hoffman), Kevin Maloney (Mr. Dabersky)

16. The Party [29]

First aired: 8/3/1996

George and Barbara run into Danielle when they go to a resort to relax. When Kelly finds out that Alex's parents are out of town, she befriends her and arranges a party that destroys the house. Alex uses her powers to get rid of the guests and clean up. When Kelly heads for the door, Alex confronts her for taking advantage of her trust.

Writer: Danielle Gantner
Director: Jeff Blyth
Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo), Hilary Salvatore (Kelly Phillips), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll), Jason Strickland (Scott Greene) , Kathleen Bailey (Ms. Lange)

17. Carnival [30]

First aired: 8/10/1996

Alex is upset when Annie agrees to go to the plant carnival with Bryce instead of her. Meanwhile, Danielle must contend with a former employee who has returned to the plant--as a government inspector.

Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), Josh Keaton (Bryce)

18. Local Hero [31]

First aired: 9/14/1996

Alex, Ray and Louis rescue a kid trapped under a cement pipe in the park. When Louis accepts all the credit and becomes the town's local hero, he falls under the plant's suspicion of having the special powers.

Writer: Joe Purdy, Rick Gitelson
Director: Allison Liddi
Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), John Marzilli (Vince Carter), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll) , Richard McGonagle (Judd Dubrow), Francesca Smith (Girl)

19. World Without Alex [32]

First aired: 9/21/1996

Alex carelessly uses her powers and ruins Annie's interview with MIT. She runs away, thinking everyone would be better off without her.

Writer: Peter Egan
Director: Paul Tassie
Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), John Marzilli (Vince Carter) , Tohuru Masamune (Dr. Matsumura), Charles Walker (Principal Cumingham)

20. Nerve [33]

First aired: 9/28/1996

Alex inspires Robyn to face the dreaded "Rooney Runabout" and pass P.E.

Writer: Peter Egan
Director: Paul Hoen
Guest star: Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo) , Glenn Morshower (Coach Rooney)

Season 3

1. The Other Side (Part 1) [34]

First aired: 10/5/1996

Alex is split into two manifestations of herself when George discovers a chemical that divides GC-161 into its individual elements.

Writer: Ken Lipman, Thomas W. Lynch
Director: Jeff Blyth
Guest star: Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo), Hilary Salvatore (Kelly Phillips) , Mark Brodie (Construction Worker), Frederick Dawson (Uncle Cliff)

2. The Other Side (Part 2) [35]

First aired: 10/8/1996

The evil Alex wreaks havoc with her friends and family while Annie and Ray try to find the good Alex to recombine the two.

Writer: Ken Lipman, Thomas W. Lynch
Director: Jeff Blyth
Guest star: Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo), Hilary Salvatore (Kelly Phillips), Jason Strickland (Scott Greene) , Mark Brodie (Construction Worker), Frederick Dawson (Uncle Cliff), Mary Haskell (Lois Gantner)

3. Working [36]

First aired: 10/10/1996

Alex and Robyn get jobs at the new video store in Paradise Valley, where Vince and Dave have installed the plant's latest GC-161 detector.

Writer: Mindy Schneider
Director: Paul Hoen
Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), Josh Keaton (Bryce), John Marzilli (Vince Carter), John Nielsen (Dave Watt), Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll) , Mary Haskell (Teacher), Peggy Miley (Mrs. Hardwick)

4. Operation: Breakout [37]

First aired: 10/15/1996

Alex has to use her powers to escape from a trap set by the plant after Vince spreads the rumor that they have the GC-161 kid in custody.

Writer: Burk Sauls
Director: Paul Hoen
Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), John Marzilli (Vince Carter), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll) , Jim Wise (Janitor)

5. The Neighbor [38]

First aired: 10/17/1996

Nicole tries in vain to petition against the plant for environmental violations. Alex is more concerned about her mysterious next-door neighbor who she sees having suspicious contact with the plant.

6. Images [39]

First aired: 10/22/1996

Alex becomes a photographer on the yearbook staff to earn extra credit. Louis develops a crush on Annie when she tutors him. Alex uses her powers to get herself paired with Scott on a photo assignment.

Writer: Ken Lipman, Thomas W. Lynch
Director: Sean McNamara
Guest star: Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo), Hilary Salvatore (Kelly Phillips), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll), Jason Strickland (Scott Greene) , Ali Glazer (Sara), Mary Pat Gleason (Mrs. French)

7. Big Ray [40]

First aired: 10/24/1996

Alex and Ray's friendship is in trouble when he gets caught up with his basketball crowd. Meanwhile, the plant plots to get rid of George.

Guest star: Glenn Morshower (Coach Rooney)

8. New World Order [41]

First aired: 10/29/1996

Alex's powers are out of control again and she finds that she has super strength. When Ray takes her for some serious heavy lifting at the construction site, they encounter two unwanted visitors: a suspicious Kelly and a news crew she has summoned to document Alex's mysterious abilities.

Writer: Matt Dearborn
Director: Jeff Blyth
Guest star: Hilary Salvatore (Kelly Phillips) , Terrance Vorwald (Hinkley), Kyle Sullivan (Ryan)

9. Bubbling Over [42]

First aired: 11/5/1996

Alex experiences a chemical reaction to GC-161--uncontrollable bubbles. This unusual development coincides with the demise of Annie's relationship with Bryce.

Writer: Ken Lipman
Director: Paul Hoen
Guest star: Josh Keaton (Bryce), Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll)

10. Muckraker [43]

First aired: 11/7/1996

In response to Alex's wish to jazz up the school paper, Louis becomes a kamikaze reporter who will stop at nothing to get a good story. This includes selling Ray out. Barbara is a student again and finds her new professor strangely familiar.

Guest star: Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll) , Grinnell Morris (Professor Armstrong), Damen Fletcher (Danny), Glenn Morshower (Coach Rooney)

11. Bad Girl [44]

First aired: 11/12/1996

Just when Alex is feeling ordinary, she befriends Paradise Valley's new wild child who favors blue hair, tattoos and nose rings. Alex goes wild herself until she realizes the value of her true identity. Vince, fired from the plant, looks for the GC-161 kid himself.

Writer: Ken Lipman
Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), John Marzilli (Vince Carter), John Nielsen (Dave Watt), Kevin Quigley (Lars Frederickson), Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll) , Jenny Morris (Lindsay)

12. The Understudy [45]

First aired: 11/14/1996

Inspired by "Cyrano," the school play, Louis helps Ray court the girl of his dreams. When she falls for it, Ray has to face two mistakes: his girlfriend is superficial and his superficial charms are about to run out. Alex's attempted rescue makes things worse. Meanwhile, Annie gets an internship at the plant and gets some romantic ideas of her own.

Writer: Neil Landau
Director: Allison Liddi
Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll) , Charlotte Lopez (Hannah Mercury), Mink Stole (Mrs. Ward), Corey Joshua Taylor (Gordon)

13. Mystery Man [46]

First aired: 11/19/1996

Paradise Valley's radio station has a popular personality, but no one knows his true identity. Alex and Ray get bold and sneak into the station, only to discover how hard it is to live with a secret.

Guest star: Joel Polis (Mr. Reynolds)

14. Chemistry [47]

First aired: 11/21/1996

Alex is overwhelmed when an attractive guy starts looking her way. When he requests her as his study partner for "Romeo and Juliet," she can't control her chemical glows. It takes many blushes before she realizes that there is less to him than meets the eye. Things get worse when Dave spies on the kids and assumes that Alex's "Romeo" is the GC-161 kid.

Writer: Julia Poll
Director: Diane Wynter
Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), John Nielsen (Dave Watt), Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll) , Charlotte Rae (Dave's Mother), Hunter Garner (Eric), Jarrett Lennon (Buddy), Mink Stole (Mrs. Ward)

15. A Room Of Her Own [48]

First aired: 11/26/1996

Annie becomes obsessed by her work at the plant. An experiment she is conducting with her good-looking lab partner drives Alex out of their room and into the wood shed.

Writer: Kati Rocky
Director: Paul Hoen
Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll), J.D. Hall (Mr. Alvarado), Ron Melendez (Darren)

16. Spivey [49]

First aired: 12/3/1996

Louis makes a great effort to impress his old friend, Spivey, including throwing a party at the donut shop which jeopardizes Alex's job. The boys have to learn that friendship involves more than first impressions.

Writer: Matt Dearborn
Director: David Straiton
Guest star: John Marzilli (Vince Carter), Kevin Quigley (Lars Frederickson), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll), LaReine Chabut (Gloria) , Josh Server (Spivey), Jim Wise (Chester)

17. Woman Of The Year [50]

First aired: 12/5/1996

Alex discovers that corruption is rampant in the town's "Woman of the Year" contest. When she tries an experiment on Louis, Alex gets yet another dose of havoc-inducing chemicals.

Guest star: Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll)

18. Twelve And A Half [51]

First aired: 12/10/1996

Alex has to decide how to handle the attention of a seventh-grade admirer. Vince sneaks into the Mack's house to spy on George's research and gets stuck in the basement.

Guest star: John Marzilli (Vince Carter)

19. The Test [52]

First aired: 12/26/1996

Math is the ultimate challenge for Alex, and when she starts cheating, she can't stop. For help, she turns to Annie, who steers her back to her senses. However, Dave has been spying on Alex and has begun to question some floating exam books and other mysterious phenomena. Question is, will he turn her into the plant or will he keep her secret.

Writer: Mindy Schneider
Director: Allison Liddi
Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), John Nielsen (Dave Watt), Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll)

20. The Creeper [53]

First aired: 1/2/1997

Alex befriends an unpopular guy and finds that her own friends turn on her. She blames them until she realizes the unpopular guy has a thing for her. Ray has an unlikely adventure when Dave helps him pass a driving test.

Writer: Matt Dearborn
Director: Matt Dearborn
Guest star: Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll), John Nielsen (Dave Watt), Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), LaReine Chabut (Gloria) , Hank Harris (Nathan)

21. Triangle [54]

First aired: 2/18/1997

There is only one problem with Alex's new boyfriend, he's also dating Annie. In what turns out to be an innocent set of circumstances. Annie's broken heart is made worse by the fact that Barbara is following her around for a science experiment.

Writer: Jennifer Wharton
Guest star: Adam Frost (Jake)

22. Friends Like That [55]

First aired: 2/20/1997

Alex's old friends don't like her new friend, and with good reason: The plant has hired the new girl as a spy at the school, and Lars now suspects George is a mole.

Guest star: Kevin Quigley (Lars Frederickson) , Kim Hoy (Grace), Peggy Ahn (Grace), Kim Hoy (Susie)

23. BMX [56]

First aired: 2/25/1997

While out racing bikes in the woods, Ray and Alex find a recluse who lives in a treehouse. He turns out to be one of the original GC-161 scientists from 1978. Vince and Lars learn of the existence of the scientist and Alex, Annie and Ray rescue him from the plant's goons. But before they do, someone finds out Alex's long kept secret.

Writer: Matt Dearborn
Director: Patrick Williams
Guest star: John Marzilli (Vince Carter), Kevin Quigley (Lars Frederickson), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll) , Paul Sand (Charles "Chappy" Furnell)

24. Nightmare In Paradise [57]

First aired: 2/27/1997

A school bully picks on Alex and she must summon all her powers to resolve the ensuing conflicts. Meanwhile, at the plant, George is suspected of espionage when Annie accidentally leaks GC-161 information to Lars.

Guest star: Kevin Quigley (Lars Frederickson), Jennifer Manley (Jo)

25. Cheers [58]

First aired: 3/4/1997

In a surprising move, Alex tries out for cheerleading...and makes the team! But while she enjoys her new popularity, she misses her carefree life. Louis accidentally switches diskettes with Annie so that she narrowly escapes getting in trouble with the evil Danielle Atron.

Guest star: Hilary Salvatore (Kelly Phillips), Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo), Kevin Quigley (Lars Frederickson), Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll)

Season 4

1. Driving [59]

First aired: 9/23/1997

To earn cash for a car, Alex takes a job working for Louis, but she's upset when she realizes he's not pulling his weight at the office. Meanwhile, George and his lab partner try to perfect a face cream to avoid being reassigned to another project.

Writer: Danielle Gantner
Director: Patrick Williams
Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll) , Jack Riley (Mr. O'Reilly), Corey Joshua Taylor (Kramer), Tom Virtue (Big Lou)

2. Green Day [60]

First aired: 9/25/1997

Alex's environmental group tries to take a bite out of a donut shop's business when they discover the joint is using non-biodegradable plates and Alex's friendship with Gloria is tested.

Guest star: LaReine Chabut (Gloria)

3. Camping [61]

First aired: 9/30/1997

Junior camp counselor is a new role for Alex, and one for which she's not well-suited. She and Kelly get lost in the woods, are chased by a bear and learn the importance of two words: friendship and rescue. George remembers his own camp experiences with mixed emotions.

Guest star: Hilary Salvatore (Kelly Phillips)

4. Ashley [62]

First aired: 10/2/1997

Aunt Ashley is everything Barbara isn't: fancy, outrageous, irresponsible, crazy. Alex's wild go-cart ride with her aunt forces Barbara to get tough with both of them. Alex's school work suffers while her spirits soar.

5. Oscar [63]

First aired: 10/7/1997

Alex tries to rescue a chimp named Oscar from Vince by secretly keeping him as a pet. Annie is forced to tell George the truth about Atron's 3-year plan for GC-161.

Guest star: John Marzilli (Vince Carter), John Nielsen (Dave Watt)

6. Foot Fault [64]

First aired: 10/9/1997

While Louis is innocently taking a photo, he catches Alex's zapper-gone-wild on film. He's sure he's captured some kind of UFO that will make his footage famous. Meanwhile, Alex helps George overcome his fear of bowling.

Guest star: Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll)

7. The Switch [65]

First aired: 10/14/1997

A morphing accident causes Alex to switch bodies with Barbara. Alex realizes that she's not ready for adulthood. Annie loses confidence about leaving home and talks to George about it.

Writer: Neil Landau
Director: Allison Liddi
Guest star: Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll), Hilary Salvatore (Kelly Phillips) , Michael Cavanaugh (Dean), Beatrice Colen (Ms. Tucker)

8. The Storm [66]

First aired: 10/16/1997

When Alex and Annie are stuck at home during a rainstorm, they reminisce about the value of superpowers and sisterhood.

Writer: Ken Lipman
Director: Jeff Blyth
Guest star: John Nielsen (Dave Watt), John Marzilli (Vince Carter), Hilary Salvatore (Kelly Phillips)

9. Leaving [67]

First aired: 10/21/1997

Alex saves a woman's life but can't tell the authorities that she double-morphed the woman to the hospital. The mystery heightens Danielle Atron's suspicions. As Annie prepares for college, a bittersweet realization comes over the sisters who share so much.

Writer: Ken Lipman
Director: Bill Scarlet
Guest star: Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll), John Nielsen (Dave Watt), John Marzilli (Vince Carter), Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo), Annie Fitzgerald (Doctor)

10. Senora Garcia [68]

First aired: 10/23/1997

Alex struggles in Spanish class with a tough teacher, then struggles with the possibility that she got the teacher fired. Lars sets Dave up to be the first human research specimen for dangerous GC-161.

Guest star: John Nielsen (Dave Watt), Kevin Quigley (Lars Frederickson)

11. The Doctor [69]

First aired: 10/28/1997

Alex has a doctor's appointment and fears her altered body chemistry will be discovered. Robyn grieves over the loss of her hamster.

Writer: Matt Dearborn
Director: Allison Liddi
Guest star: Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll) , Tom Waring (Dr. Felker), Lynne Marie Stewart (Nurse Bean)

12. The Band [70]

First aired: 11/4/1997

Ray, Louis and Alex form a band and have to deal with issues of leadership, fame and competition. Robyn learns the "rules" of dating from Kelly.

Writer: Kati Rocky
Director: Jeff Blyth
Guest star: Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo), Hilary Salvatore (Kelly Phillips), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll) , Carol Rosenthal (Ms. Kornhoser), Justin Urich (Eddie)

13. Things Change [71]

First aired: 11/6/1997

Ray is purposely mysterious about his new girlfriend, Rachel, so that Alex won't get jealous. Alex becomes jealous anyway and struggles with accepting a new friend.

Guest star: Jennifer Manley (Jo)

14. The Return [72]

First aired: 11/18/1997

Alex becomes friends with the new boy in school, Hunter, who may know something about the GC-161 project.

15. Friendly Fire [73]

First aired: 11/20/1997

Robyn moves in with Alex while her parents are away while Mr. Mack suspects that Dave may be his secret GC-161 informant.

Guest star: Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo)

16. Lies And Secrets [74]

First aired: 11/25/1997

When Hunter finds out about the GC-161 accident he starts searching for the GC-161 kid in order to expose the plant and uncover the truth about his father's disappearance.

17. Without Feathers [75]

First aired: 12/2/1997

Alex plays matchmaker and sets Louis up with Hannah Mercury. Meanwhile, Ray gets a fancy new job and Alex falls in love with Hunter!

Guest star: Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll) , Charlotte Lopez (Hannah Mercury)

18. 24 Hours [76]

First aired: 12/4/1997

After coming to school like every day in her life, Alex notices that her parents, friends and teachers have started to act strangely. First she gets into detention with no reason and after escaping, everybody starts haunting her. But, what is really going on?
Guest star: Hank Harris (Nathan), Tommy Hinkley (Mr. Carrington), Jim Wise (Chester), Benjamin Smith (Lois Driscoll)

19. Paradise Lost (Part 1) [77]

First aired: 1/13/1998

After four years of keeping her powers hidden, Alex's secret world is falling apart. As the Plant prepares for the release of GC-161 to the public, her dad loses his job, and Louis discovers her secret powers, and is captured by the Plant.

Writer: Ken Lipman
Director: Paul Hoen
Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), John Nielsen (Dave Watt), Kevin Quigley (Lars Frederickson), Hilary Salvatore (Kelly Phillips), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll), Jason Strickland (Scott) , Frank Como (Gino), Adam Frost (Jake), Hank Harris (Nathan), Jennifer Manley (Jo), Francis X. McCarthy (Griffin), Marguerite Moreau (Libby), Glenn Morshower (Coach Rooney), Jennifer Lea Nash (Amber), Francesca Smith (Jenny)

20. Paradise Regained (Part 2) [78]

First aired: 1/15/1998

Ray, Louis, and Hunter try to free Alex and her parents from the Plant which is lined with bombs thanks to Danielle Atron. Meanwhile Dave works with Gino and the FDA to stop the chemical plant from releasing GC-161.

Guest star: Louan Gideon (Danielle Atron), John Nielsen (Dave Watt), Kevin Quigley (Lars Frederickson), Natanya Ross (Robyn Russo), Benjamin Smith (Louis Driscoll) , Frank Como (Gino)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hissy Fit

I was about to book December 18, 2011 for both Paco Park and Church yesterday. Then they said, someone already booked them on that day.


I need to connect with either Tamayo's, Cunanan or Jack n Jenn's catering. They are the accredited in Paco Park. Hizon's and Ignacio's aren't. So is my newly-discovered Juan Carlo.


Thursday, January 13, 2011


I have been looking through caterers. I was originally looking at Ignacio's Catering since they seem to have a good package at a relatively low price. But Hizon's Catering sent me their stress-free wedding package which is tempting. See details:

Amenities: ( 150 guest minimum )
1. A Choice of Menu 

2. Complete floral dress-up of wedding reception area ( gazebo, pillars, etc. ) 
3. Buffet table with attractive centerpieces and elegant skirting following your motif ( Grand waterfalls, Elegant water fountain, etc. )  
4. Satellite Wedding Cake with floral arrangement or three layered fondant wedding cake  
5. Bridal Car ( MB 3 hours use)  
6. Hotel Accommodation  
7. Body Spa Package  
8. Wedding Reception Emcee  
9. A bottle of wine for bridal toast  
10. Floral Centerpiece and candles for each guest’s table  
11. An elegant presidential table with end to end floral arrangement and skirting following your color motif.  
12. Elegant Wooden Signature Frame or Guestbook  
13. Decorated wedding cage with a pair of doves and flower arrangement  
14. Sword Parade or Torch Parade  
15. Tiffany Chairs with ribbons  
16. Tables with floor length embroidered mantel or lace runner  
17. Complete silver wares, glass wares and Flatware  
18. Roll top chaffing dishes  
19. Waiters and food attendants in uniform   
20. Ice for the drinks and purified drinking water  
21. Free food tasting for two persons   
22. Red Carpet  
23. Menu Tags   
+ 10% service charge + 12% Evat 

Wedding Buffet Menu for Lunch and Dinner 
Appetizer : Crispy Spinach with dip 
Soup : Cream of Mushroom Soup 
Salad : Salad Bar ( onions, turnips, lettuce, croutons, bacon bits, kernel corn, tomatoes ) Dressings: Caesars and Thousand Island 

Hot Buffet : ( A Choice of One Per Dish ) 
Fettuccine with Alfredo Sauce / Baked Spaghetti Cheesy Lasagna 
Beef Callos Señorita / Cream Beef w/ Mushrooms / Holiday beef with Olives 
Tempura Fish Fillet with tartar sauce or Lemon Buttered sauce / Grilled Fish w/ our special sauce ( all are cook on the spot ) 
Grilled Chicken Breast ala Pobre / Chicken Theresa / Chicken Alexander / Chicken Barbecue in Hawaiian Sauce 
Buttered Vegetables with kernel corn and Mushroom Buttons 
Steamed Rice 
Dessert : ( Choice of Two ) Buco Pandan w/ Lychee / Fruit Salad / Buco Salad / Assorted Pastries / Halo-Halo Bar 
Drinks : Iced Tea and Soft Drinks (refillable) 
Price: P810.00 + 10% Service Charge + 12% EVAT / per head 

That's a pretty nice package right? I'll be going to their Grand Food Tasting on Sunday to check and negotiate. There are some things in the package that I am not quite interested in and I was looking into having removed for a lower price - like the car (MB is not my idea of a bridal car I already have one in mind too, and I can get it for free), the sword/ torch parade (I don't want shiny, sharp, things or fire near me, I am too clumsy like that, especially with killer heels), the host (since I have friends who can easily do that for me for free) and the bird cage (I am grossed out with pigeons/ doves). I also am not looking into 150 guests, I wanted it to be an intimate affair, looking at 100 guests only, 130 tops. I hope people at Hizon's are flexible. After all, it' my wedding, not theirs.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I Want a Laid Back Backyard Wedding

I am blogging mainly about planning for the wedding because I wanna gather up my thoughts. I wanna post the inspirations here. So I won't forget when I get too overwhelmed with all the suppliers' input.

That's the feel that I'm going for. I don't want any of those uber-frivolous, generic wedding stuff. That's why I wanna keep it as DIY as possible. We don't have the luxury of  BIG enough backyard to sit a hundred people, and that's the only reason why I am getting a venue. But beyond that, I want it to reflect Mike's and my personality, and believe me, classic, formal and uptight is not us. I want it to have an indie vibe, but not indie/hippie so much that I'll need to wear my eyeglasses on to iterate that I am a nerd or end up a looking a little kooky.

I haven't done so much of the footwork. But I've done a lot of planning, online researching and writing down. The first footwork will take place on Sunday, when I go to my first Bridal Fair. In the meantime, I'll just create great credit history so the bank decides to give us a bigger credit limit and save up. Really.

In the meantime, while I am doing that, better check Green Wedding Shoes . Jarvik suggested the site to me for DIY inspirations, though I have been there once or twice while browsing through MangoRed's (wedding photographers) site.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Spanx, Tousled Updos, Gladiators, etc.

Okay, so according to fashion blogs, I can find Spanx at Rustan's. Good. I'll drop by there one of these days. I just really think that it is the foundation from which I will build my whole look come wedding day.

Speaking of looks, I need hair and make-up. So yea, I'm still looking around for make-up artists. But that would be one of the few last things to consider in this planning thing. Though, it wouldn't hurt to have an idea, right? I was thinking along the lines of these: 12345. I'm all about Messy, tousled updos. I don't want to hurt earth further and kill my hair at the same time by piling up hairspray, plus I know I'd look severe in such.

Click here for my idea of a perfect bridal footwear! It needs to be sky high but chunky because I know I'll trip if I walk the aisle in a stiletto.

And here are the color-themes (inspired by Disney Princesses Cinderella, Aurora and Belle). Pale shades of: Periwinkle Blue, Honeysuckle Pink and SunShine Yellow.

I need to find a dressmaker who can make cocktail dresses for the female members of the entourage. I'm looking at this dress shop really near our place, I'll inquire on the cost.

On Sunday, I'll be attending with my Vintage BFFs a bridal fair at the SMX Convention Center and a Grand Food Tasting event at 1Esplanade. I'm optimistic that I can find ideas if not suppliers in the event.

I happen to have another friend who's also planning a shotgun wedding, if you may say, on an even tighter budget. I said I'll help her plan too and accompany her to Divisoria. It would be my practice wedding planning. I'm excited all over.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Dress (and stuff)

I bought my wedding dress from Aussie-based Filipina designer Pia Gladys Perey. Yes, I already have it with me. I ordered it online, since I know what my dress size is in US. Take note, I am wearing a dress, not a gown. No trains. Though what I need is the ultimate shapewear to look oh-so-perfect in that dress. I am currently browsing Spanx Online and I wanna purchase their Haute Contour Firming Slip Dress - Tyra Banks once said that Spanx are a girl's bestfriend and I think it will be mine on my wedding day - but guess what?! They don't ship to good'ol PH! So right now, I just need to hunt for Spanx.

On other news, I am still thinking if I'll get a veil. I'm not really into wearing one. And If I will, I want it to be really simple and sheer.

Anyway, I need to find a stellarly-high sandals, platform-gladiator style, in gold. I'll probably buy a cheap pair of footwear, after all, I don't think I'll ever have another total tiis-ganda moment/ occasion that will entail me to wear sky-high-heels. My wedding is an exception, of course.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Church Wedding Planning

It's very difficult to plan a UNIQUE church wedding when you're in a very tight budget. I'm looking at PhP200,000. If I'm okay with simple, I can pull off easily one. But me being an OC-freak, I am already going crazy. My target is December 18, 2011 - our 2nd wedding anniversary since we were married in the trial court :)

So I need help in the following aspects of wedding planning:
1. Photography - I need one that I can get for 20,000. 25,000 max, if it includes pre-nup etc. Daniel Lei seems tempting. But maybe I can get a cheaper one. I don't really care for videography. I don't really think I'd have the time to watch myself on TV. If I'll get one, I'm totally ok with the raw shoot. Just as long as the video guy's hands aren't wobbly.
2. Food - I want people to go home thinking that my wedding was a gastronomical feast, no negative comments whatsoever in the food (hehe). Right now, I am looking at Ignacio's Catering and Conti's (yes, as in the Mango Bravo store).
3. Make-up - I need to be uber-perfect so pretty on that day. That's why. Kabbie (who did my Cosmo photoshoot make-up) is easily contactable, but maybe there are other options (Read: CHEAPER) available.
4. The little things - favors, flowers, etc.

I've decided to go DIY on some of the things needed for the wedding. I am promising myself that I can pull this off with the help of Divisoria and the WWW. :)