Sunday, November 25, 2012

WIW: Spring Boots

Some of you might have known about Bella - my winter boots, but I just bought spring boots (lakas maka-four-seasons sa 'Pinas). I don't have a name for her yet, maybe I should call her Saab (after Saab Magalona who like wearing 'em boots as well). I've been looking for DMs combat boots for the longest time but just find it abso-fuckin-lutely pricey, so when I saw this rip-off-slash-look4less version in Janilyn, I didn't think much and just bought it.
Outbreak Zombie Run T-shirt, denim cut-offs, Janilyn DMs-rip-offs in blue floral,  Jansport travel tote and Absolute drinking water
Original Doc Marten's: PhP 7,000 (+/-)
THESE: PhP 1,695

I can buy 4 pairs (which happened to be the number of designs these boots actually have) with the price of one Original DMs pair. Booyeah. Or I can just buy one of it and spend the rest on Christmas gifts... ;P


I used Dropbox before mainly for work, but since I just bought a tablet, which I plan to use to watch movies, TV shows and check my personal and work files on the go, I have decided to create a personal Dropbox account which shall sync my laptop, office desktop, my phone and my tablet. I also plan to use it to share the TV shows and movies with my friends. :)

Sunday, November 18, 2012


I've been monitoring a lump in my left breast for roughly 4 years now. Every 6 months or so, I got get a breast ultrasound procedure to check changes and additional growths, if ever. I felt my first lump around 2008, it is in the 8 o'clock position of my left breast.

I had an ultrasound and mammogram last 23rd of October in the Medicard Lifestyle Center in Paseo de Roxas Makati after seeing my Facebook feed with THIS.

Anywho, I just got the results today because I am a lazy sloth when it comes to going out of the house.

The mammogram said that I had extremely dense breast parenchymae. That translates to my breasts are made up of useful tissues, glands and muscles and not useless fats, but it also mean that I have higher risk of breast cancer. Yes, apparently, non-saggy breasts = cancer risk. I can  look so pretty in dresses but I might be really rotting inside (forgive my morbid sense of humor, I'm not scared, I just find the irony in things hilarious).

There are now two lumps, another was found in the 9 o'clock position of my left breast. The mammogram did not spot this, the ultrasound did. The lumps are benign though, the ultrasound suggests.

Now let me lecture you about the BIRADS system. BI-RADS = breast imaging reporting and data system. The BIRADS system is rated from 0-6 and I was classified as tier 3 in it, and that means:

Category 3. Probably Benign
With BI-RADS category 3, a follow-up of 6 months is usually recommended. On the breast cancer screening mammogram there may be a finding of some kind, but the lesion is non-palpable. Findings typical of this category include:Clusters of tiny calcifications if round or oval Non-calcified solid nodules (no size limitation but non palpable), round, ovoid, well-defined,Selected focal asymmetric areas of fibroglandular density (not palpable): This might include concave-outward defined margins, interspersed with fat and without central increased fibular density on two projections.Miscellaneous focal findings, such as a dilated duct, or post biopsy architectural distortion without central densityGeneralized distribution in both breasts. For example, multiple similar lesions with tiny calcifications or nodules distributed randomly In some scenerios a percutaneous biopsy might be considered,even with category 3. For example, extreme patient anxiety, or plans for pregnancy, plans for breast augmentation or reduction surgery, or if synchronous carcinoma is present.   
So yeah, I'm in the midscale. One tier higher and the next will suggest suspicious finding, for biopsy, malignancy considered. Two tiers and it's cancer.

Some of you might send out prayers and messages of hope with this news, allow me to stop you from doing so. I am not scared of it. I am not dying. I am just aware.

It's good that I take precautionary check ups like this. It's weird to hear women my age who are surprised to know that I've been getting routine procedures for female health concerns since I was 21. I am glad I've been exposed to shit like this earlier than the rest, while this might scare the hell out of some people, I'm informed way earlier than them. Awareness and education makes me feel empowered. Visit an OB GYN or any medical practitioner (if you are feeling discomfort and/or having problems in other areas of your health) you can get your hands on.

I hope other women will do the same too. YES TO RH BILL.Women need to take care of their bodies.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Free Firmoo Eyeglasses

I blogged about Firmoo a few days ago and how I like their virtual eyeglasses fitting tool and have plans of ordering one online. They have finally arrived! So yeah, to anyone who's still skeptical: this is not a drill, it's for realz. They arrived yesterday via EMS shipping, it is a Chinese shipping company.

To ensure its members that their online optical store is not a scam, you can track the status of your order and package online. You can see your order being processed to shipping in your Firmoo account.

And when they're done shipping, you can track your package in the EMS website.

It took exactly 9 days from the day I ordered for me to receive the package. 4 days were spent with Firmoo making sure I get the correct product and the next 5 days transporting it from China to our house. The first item you purchase is on them, so I just paid for the shipping fee which is roughly PhP800 (I used the coupon code FIRMOOFREE). When the EMS delivery man arrived at our doorstep, he asked for PhP40 for taxes/postal fee and what not, which my dad happily paid for me.

Here's some pictures of the eyeglasses I bought.
In the package: black hard case, duffel case, tiny screw driver...
...extra pair of screws, eyeglasses and a lens-cleaner cloth.

I love the fact that they're thoughtful enough to include in the tiny screwdriver and screws because repair for lost screws are mighty jacked up here in Manila. Why pay when you can do it yourself?! I also have a history of improvising and replacing lost screwdrivers with needles and sealing it shut on both ends with clear nail polish. So for the DIY buff that I am, this is good.

The eyeglasses I ordered is product number SD2266. I ordered one without prescription because the cost of the photochromic lens (add-on fee, only the basic frame and basic Rx or non-Rx lens free) I wanted to get is a little higher for them versus EO prices (about PhP100 higher, plus I'm afraid that if the price of the item I ordered will be higher, then the customs/postal tax/fee - which I assumed is computed in percentage of the item purchased, will be higher too) and I don't know how to ensure that I get the correct prescription with all my vision abnormalities, just don't wanna deal with returning the package to them to have it corrected if I ordered the wrong prescription and wait again for the exchanged product. BTW, yes they do refunds and exchanges within 3 days upon receipt of package.

So there, whatyawaitinfor? If you're bordering blindness like me, or just think wearing eyeglasses is all the rage because of all the geek-chic hysteria, go to Firmoo now.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Lomo: 121112

Took these shots using FujiChrome 64T loaded on La Sardina. My first slide film attempt. Pretty cool, I say. I'm definitely buying more slide films, so much fun working with it.

I bought the tungsten film from Snapnook, together with the cable release which I used in the longX shots of Edsa.Out of all the Lomo-sellers Ive contacted, Snapnook has got to be the fastest to deal with, expect answers to inquiries within hours, and your products in your doorstep the very next day when the order is placed. I love that shop. Apart from Lomo-related-stuff, they also sell vinyls, and just confirmed turntables when I inquired on their multiply shop. I am looking to getting a turntable soon too.

Anywhoo, without further adieu, here's my 64T shots.

Tungsten burn

Yeti feet

Two-headed Myk monster

C5 at 7AM

Edsa at night

Cars, trains and road lighsthow

Pepsi Pogi, the Hulk


Chips and booze

Gas prices

Sevuhn eluhvihn


Shyn. Adey.


KIDS: Kassy, Kevin and Karlo

Valle Verde


Skydome ceiling on face paint
And oh, let me leave you with THIS, my peg home.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

WIW: 121109

Wearing a dress I got from Chic de Soleil  (which is my classmate's sister's online shop) for PhP300 and red ballet flats which I got from SM Department store for 2 for PhP399 (which makes it PhP200 apiece). El cheapo. Watch me do cutesy-patootsey in 3, 2...

Hey girl, whatchadoiiin? Hey girl, where ya goiinn?
I don't accesorize because my sweat can turn gold and silver to coal, and I end up looking like I cut my wrists and neck. Eyeglasses are Rx for my less-than-pefect vision, -150, -175 with astigmatism among others.

Slathered on my face is Fashion21 Perfect Stick in Milk Tea to cover the luggages, NYX HD Grinding Blush in Georgia Peach to create that fake virginal blush, EOS Sphere Balm in Tangerine under NYX Round Lipstick in Snow White for the rouge puckers, NYX Eyebrow Poweder in Ash, Maybelline Cat Eyes Mascara and NYX Waterproof Eyeliner in Black Sparkle for the Bambi eyes; and Johnson's pressed powder to finish (so far, only pressed powder that doesn't cause breakouts),

Wore this to the office. Ultra-comfy. I rarely do this so I'm not sure what else do I need to say to make this post-pseudo-fashion-slash-beauty-blog-ish. Watebs. That's just pretty much it. Ktnxbye.

Friday, November 09, 2012

Pet Peeve: 121109

Liking your own status update or picture... and saying "Thanks" to literally everyone who liked it too.

and... 'Friends' who like each other's posts as if it is an obligation (I mean EVERY.FUCKIN.POST) and even remind each other to like each other's post.

What's up with that?! Ohmylourddd!

Thursday, November 08, 2012

¡Viva España!

I've always been fond of cooking shows even back in grade school. I remember watching the Del Monte Kitchenomics segment in Eat Bulaga with Toni Rose Gayda and Chef Sandy Daza, then when we had cable, I was all about Rachel Ray's 30-Minute Meals and Giada DeLaurenti's Everyday Italian.

I started cooking around college, and boosted when I got married. Too bad there are some ingredients that are just difficult to find, even in large and 'posh' supermarkets like Rustan's. So when I saw a super rustic Spanish food-slash-market-place just behind my office building, I was ecstatic. The place is called Terry's Selection Gourmet Store. Apparently, apart from the deli, there's a restaurant upstairs. A friend brought me there and I just had to take pictures with jars upon jars upon jars of preserves, herbs, salsa and what-not. There were cheeses that I have been searching for so, prime meat cuts, wines kept in wine-cellar-shelvings, sardines in vintage-looking sardine cans. Oooh, it was heaven.

Anywho, let me leave you with this...

Lakas maka-España,no?
Badet even had to wrap a scarf for the Euro-vibe.
Terry's selection is in Karivin Plaza, Bldg. B, 2316 Pasong Tamo Ext.

Monday, November 05, 2012

Pet Peeve: 121105

People who, out of nowhere - suddenly, becomes clingy, compliment-y, giggly and chatty with you. I don't do charity kindness and ass kissing. Puh-leese.

My eyes just get big and round... and can't wait to get out of that scenario, pronto.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Eyeglasses? Get it FREE

I've been exposed to Firmoo because of a schoolmate who blogged about it. Firmoo first invited bloggers to get free Firmoo eye/sunglasses. I joined a contest on her blog - which I did not win :(

Now, months after that certain blog giveaway, I am looking at getting new prescription glasses. Honestly, I am having a really bad time looking for frames that I love. So I thought of googling Firmoo, remembering how they have a virtual app that can fit different frames to your face (believe me, fitting frames in an optical store can get reallllllyyyyyy frustrating), I did the fitting before but I was just not interested in buying yet so I just decided to forget about it.  But now that I really need it, I am putting it to good use.

Here's a screencap of the virtual eyeglass fitting.

Which looks good?
You may observe my fondness for Wayfarer and Clubmaster. Then I saw an announcement that Firmoo will send you your first pair of eyeglasses for free by redeeming the FIRMOOFREE coupon (Yes, EVEN in the Philippines). How amazeballs is that? So I did. I ordered and I just needed to pay for the shipping fee. You can give them your prescription and all and have your eyeglass done specifically based on your Rx. If you want polarized lens, photochrome, etc., you can request for that for additional fee (only the basic frame and lens are free).

Since I have a really messed up vision, I just ordered the glasses with the non-Rx lens and will just bring the frame to the local optical store to have it fitted specifically to my needs with transition lenses.

Wanna go get your hands on free eyeglasses too? Go to Firmoo!

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Pet Peeve: 121101

I hate people who claim that something (e.g. expression, slang-term, idea) is theirs when you know for a fact, as you were there when it was coined/brainstormed/researched/discovered, that it is NOT theirs; worse, it's yours -- and you have shitload of proof that it's yours.

Major eyeroll.