Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I Want a Laid Back Backyard Wedding

I am blogging mainly about planning for the wedding because I wanna gather up my thoughts. I wanna post the inspirations here. So I won't forget when I get too overwhelmed with all the suppliers' input.

That's the feel that I'm going for. I don't want any of those uber-frivolous, generic wedding stuff. That's why I wanna keep it as DIY as possible. We don't have the luxury of  BIG enough backyard to sit a hundred people, and that's the only reason why I am getting a venue. But beyond that, I want it to reflect Mike's and my personality, and believe me, classic, formal and uptight is not us. I want it to have an indie vibe, but not indie/hippie so much that I'll need to wear my eyeglasses on to iterate that I am a nerd or end up a looking a little kooky.

I haven't done so much of the footwork. But I've done a lot of planning, online researching and writing down. The first footwork will take place on Sunday, when I go to my first Bridal Fair. In the meantime, I'll just create great credit history so the bank decides to give us a bigger credit limit and save up. Really.

In the meantime, while I am doing that, better check Green Wedding Shoes . Jarvik suggested the site to me for DIY inspirations, though I have been there once or twice while browsing through MangoRed's (wedding photographers) site.


  1. Hahaha!!! Yay and it get's more interesting with your wedding updates!!! ;) happy planning. PACO PARK AND CHURCH would be awesome! ;)
